Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas Chaos!

So we have hit December and things are starting to get a little hectic at our house. We are half way through the month of December and still have not done our Christmas shopping. So last night we set out to try and find the perfect gift for our loved ones.
We hit the mall with a list of items that we wanted to pick up. For example, for our son we want to get dress pants, dress shirts, ties, dress socks, etc... There was only one hitch, we had no idea what sizes to get. Oops that never crossed our minds, so needless to say it was epic fail on getting any gifts bought.
One thing I did do this year was make homemade Christmas gift tags. My son and I spent a whole afternoon at the kitchen table cutting, punching, stamping, and tying to get them done. They turned out wonderful! The best part was I had them done before Thanksgiving!
Its getting closer to Christmas and I know that I still have so much to do. I'm seeing some late nights coming up in my very near future in trying to get things completed so that I can relax on Christmas. From the present buying, to the wrapping, to the baking, to the cleaning, but somehow we manage to get it all done.
Remember even with all the Christmas chaos that is about to hit all of us, we need to adopt a joyful attitude with each person that we encounter. Tell them Merry Christmas, or if you are one to be politically correct "Happy Holidays," and spread a little cheer.
I know that I have not posted in awhile, as I have been busy with life itself. But I wanted you all to know that I hope that you have a blessed time with your families during this joyful time. Make memories you will always share.
So from our home to yours Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
With Love,

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