Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Discover your Family at Dinner

How often does your family have dinner together? If you're like most families nowadays, the answer is probably, "Not very often."

It's understandable. Modern families are busy. In most homes both parents work and sometimes get home at different times in the evening. Children also have activities to go to, and family members drive them all over the place to get them to those activities. In our house it's our son's "Naner" that does all the driving as my husband and I do not get off from our work in time to do so. So then you think, really, Who's got the time and energy to even cook dinner every single night?

You, that's who! Eating together as a family is good. It is essential in the growth of a family to spend time just focusing on each other during this time. It gives the family down time from the day to day hustle of just life, to talk to each other, share stories, share different interests, and enjoy the bonding time that creates a tight knit family.

There are many benefits to home-cooked meals with your family. Families who eat together eat healthier, because home-cooked food is healthier than fast food. Not saying there will not be times that you stop on your way home from work and pick up something for dinner. But most of the time if you are sitting down with your family at dinner time you have prepared the meal yourself. Home-Cooked meals are not only healthier, they're also cheaper than takeout food or eating out. You can also control the ingredient's that go into to meals.

Having family meals more often forces you to end your working day and other obligations in time for dinner. Family meals allow a busy family to catch up with each other. By eating together it forces everybody to tell stories with each other. Conversation that would likely not take place at other times of the day due to other distractions. If also gives parents a chance to talk about current events from their point of view, injecting their personal values without giving a lecture.

There are many creative ways to include your whole family in this process. It gives you opportunity to explore different cuisines. It allows you to cook together as a family. Let your spouse and your children help you to prepare the meal. This will create happy memories with your family. Your children will appreciate seeing the family work together and share time together.

Families who eat together have the opportunity to teach their children good manners, valuable life skills, sharing skills, and cooking skills. Eating with your family is more fun than eating in front of the television or computer. You create a more stimulating atmosphere by the conversations that are being sparked up.

If you think having family meals is too much work, don't despair. You can get help for everthing from meal planning to putting your weekly grocery shopping list together. I have started planning our evening meals in our house and it does help cut down the stress of trying to figure out what you are going to make for dinner. When I have everything planned for the week, I write it out on a weekly dry erase menu board that hangs on the front of our refrigerator so that we know what we are having each day for dinner. My son loves being able to look each day to see what is for dinner. Keep in mind that just because you write something down on Monday, doesn't mean you can't move it to another night. Planning ahead will help you spend your time effectively with your family.

I know that we are all busy with life in general, but we should never be to busy to sit down and spend at least an hour with our own families. We do this at every evening meal and the rewards that have come with it have been a true blessing. So take time to discover your family at the dinner table in the evenings, you will be surprised at the outcome.

With Love,


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