Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

The Forth of July is upon us. I'm not sure about you, but it just doesn't seem as if it should already be here. Since my son has been out of school we have been extremely busy doing all kinds of activities. But the seasons around where I live have been unusual, which is why it just doesn't seem like we should be celebrating our country's independence this soon.
This will be the first time our son will not be here celebrating the 4th of July with us. He is off at church camp with his friends in Texas having a blast. So as far as plans the hubs and I looked at each other and really are not sure what we are going to do. I do know that hubs has to work a water stand at the local park to help raise money for a local youth group that we work with, but other then that we truly do not have any other plans for the day.
Not that we usually make huge plans for the 4th of July each year, but just seems different this year. With kiddo gone there really isn't a need to make big plans. I think what we are most excited about is actually getting to sleep in! I know it sounds silly! But when you have a kid that thinks he is going to starve the minute he wakes up its these little moments of extra sleep time that you grab and hold onto.
Most likely I will probably make a nice light picnic meal, sit back, and relax for most of the day. Then later on watch the town fireworks with hubs. Even though I don't have any specific plans set in stone for the 4th, I will not forget the people of our country who have fought and continue to fight for the independence that we have today.
So whether you are have having a huge BBQ, just hanging out at home, going to a parade, or any other celebration spend this time with your family. Enjoy being together and celebrating the independence you have to enjoy the freedoms we have today.
I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July!!
With Love,

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