Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Character...Do you have it??

So when you think of character what comes to your mind? Is it honesty, respect, or kindness to others?

The dictionary defines it as the following:


1. The aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing.

2. One such feature or trait; characteristic.

3. Moral or ethical quality: a man of fine, honorable character.

4. Qualities of honesty,courage, or the like; integrity: It takes character to face up to a bully. 

When I think of character, I think of honesty, not only with those around me, but through being honest and true with myself. It is that inner dialog that allows me to develop a true character. But what is character exactly, how is it and what does it mean to me and others in my life?
First , the difference between reputation and character 
I thought perhaps the best way to distinguish between the two is to think of your reputation as what people think of you and your character as who you are, what you believe and what you do. My reputation is created by others and can be fleeting, but the true character I build for myself exists inside me and can last a lifetime.
Character requires action
I think someone with character follows through with their promises. Good intentions and rhetoric are not enough. People with character stick to their word and they are active in the pursuit of helping others. People depend on them not only for their contribution, but as a positive example and role model. Character also involves proper ethics and values. People of character always seem to do the right thing, often for the benefit of others, not themselves. They have a compass in life that leads them down the right path and they are interested in their inner growth, they make it a point to continue to grow as a person and help others do the same.
You develop character partly by knowing and accepting your limitations and those of others.
Character is a combination of believing anything is possible yet remaining realistic at the same time. Sometimes that means putting your dreams aside and focusing on being the best you can be with what you have at the moment-a lesson that will last you a lifetime no matter what your circumstances. Also by understanding that others are probably trying to do the same by making the best of what they have and who they are. That kind of realization and acceptance is a true character builder.
But don't give in to the things you can change.
If you tell yourself that you will never be happy or find a great job, you are engaging in self-defeating behavior. This phrase holds a great dea of truth. Do not let simple words (and they are only words) have a negative effect on either the present or future. Working hard at changing the negative thoughts that enter your mind not only builds character but a life of success and happiness.
So when I am asked what character is this is my response:
Be honest with yourself and others. Don't be the actor, act upon what you believe in. Lead the kind of life that when you are gone someone will say he was a good character.
I leave you with a quote that helped inspire me to write this blog post:
"I have three precious things which I hold fast and prize. The first is gentleness; the second frugality; the third is humility, which keeps me from putting myself before others. Be gentle and you can be bold; be frugal and you can be liberal; avoid putting yourself before others and you can become a leader among men."
With Love,

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