Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Knowing Your Strengths

Everyone has his or her own unique skills, talents, and capabilities. Just like every snowflake is different and uniquely special, so is each person in the world. Sadly, often people don't have the opportunity to explore and develop their capabilities. However, in order to achieve your maximum level of success and happiness, it is key to get in touch with your unique talents. Sometimes we feel stuck and unfulfilled in the workplace, which it may be the right time to "dig deep" and try to connect with our core strengths. It is not uncommon that as we go through life we lose track of our core interests and talents. I know that I have been one of those people that have been stuck in this rut or career that simply is not in line with my gifts. If you feel you have been going through life without tapping into your personal strengths, here are some steps for reconnecting with them.
Try to Take a Step Back
One good rule of thumb is to think back to when you were young, and consider what your passions were at that time. Because youngsters have fewer experiences cluttering their minds, they are often more in touch with their true wants and their true desires. As grown ups, friends, families, and institutions pull us numerous directions. When this happens many of us simply lose track of our innate, natural abilities.
One thing to think about to help you connect with your core talent and abilities is to recall what compliments you used to receive when you were a child. Think about what good things that your teachers may have told your parents. Maybe things that friends admired about you. Take some time to consider these thoughts to help you take a step back to find your natural abilities.
Ask for Help
If you just don't know what your strengths are, don't worry! You are not the only one, many people are completely out of touch with their natural strengths and talents. When you get into a pattern of not utilizing your strengths, sometimes it is difficult at first to get back in touch with them, the good news is you can get back in touch with them. Go to the library or bookstore and browse through books in self-development. These books can help you develop strategies to reconnect with your true strengths.  You can also consider talking to close friends to help you reconnect with your strengths. Asking for help is essential in helping you discover your abilities and talents.
Make Progress in a New Direction
For some of us, making a clean break with a current job and going directly after something new is the best path. If your like me and are not ready to make a total break with your current line of work, why not explore some of your areas of strength on the side?
You can explore these strengths by taking classes on subjects that intrigue you, meet with new groups of people with similar interest, or research new subjects you find exciting on the Internet. Any small steps you can take in your free time to explore new areas of yourself are of tremendous benefit to you.
As you finally tap into your passion, you will find that you are rarely tired and drained at the end of the day. When you are drawing on your strengths, you will find that your energy is limitless. You will be full of inspired ideas and dreams for your future.
You will find that once you begin leveraging your personal strengths and talents, your life will begin to progress in a smoother fashion and you will be happier as a result. You will feel well adjusted and balanced when you are living your life in line with your true self.
I challenge you to step back and find your true strengths.
With Love,

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