Friday, January 9, 2015

New Life's Resolutions

So we are in the first week of the New Year and I know all of you have sat down and made your New Year's Resolutions, right? I know that my son and husband have because they did it together. I for one tend not to set New Year's Resolutions. Just seems to put too much added pressure to daily life. I also don't want the backlash when I fail at one.
So I got to thinking. Why not look at making New Life's Resolutions instead? You know things you can work on with your family, friends, your job. Things that don't have to have a major time limit or can be easily adjusted if you fail.
What we need to realize is that we are magnificence in human form and that our potential is unlimited. You are truly unique and there is no one in the universe with the exact same experiences and perspectives as you. Regardless of where you are or where you are going, you are always exactly where you need to be and therefore you should allow yourself to feel the extra happiness you are pursuing. Set New Life's Resolutions to help in that process.
Live Below Your Means
There will always be temptation to forsake the future for immediate gratification. We all want to buy that new piece of technology, treat ourselves to an expensive night on the town, or take out a loan for the flashy car we can't afford. If might feel great at the time but rash spending hurts a lot later on.
Enjoy life's simple pleasures and save as much as you can. Expensive thing don't create lasting happiness and security. Careful spending will bring you greater leisure and enjoyment in the long run.
Put Your Money to Work
Saving is great, but to make the most of your money you need to put it to work. Good investments can be the difference between retiring in your 40's or in your 60's.
So here is a thought. If a person in their 20's invests 20% of their income into some kind of interest earning investment account, the interest they will earn will equal their current salary when they reach their early 40's. They could retire without a drop in income!
Wise investing is the surest path to financial independence and it's something everyone can work on. It's definitely and are I'll be devoting more attention to in my personal life.
Educate Yourself
To be happy we need continuous growth. The best way to grow is life-long education. This doesn't mean you need to pursue a doctorate or spend 2 hours reading every day. Self education can be anything that takes you our of your comfort zone. The important part is keeping an open mind and searching for fresh ideas and perspectives.
Education builds over time. It might feel like the bits of wisdom you acquire don't mean much, but over the years they add up to form a wiser, kinder, more interesting person.
Develop Lasting Personal Relationships
Suppose you had everything you wanted. Would you be happy without anyone to share it with? The personal relationships we develop with friends and family members are the greatest source of happiness in our lives. Don't forget about them.
Taking the time to cultivate and enjoy personal relationships is essential to long-term happiness. Without the people you care about you'll probably be miserable, no matter how successful you become.
Work towards a Dream You're Passionate About
Even if your life isn't perfect, you can always build towards a goal you're passionate about.  If you aren't building towards something, you're probably stagnating. When this happens to me I start to feel like a victim trapped by my own life. The best way to reverse this is working towards a goal.
We can't control everything about our lives, but working towards a goal gives us something positive to focus on and lays the foundation for future success. No matter what your passion is, get out there and start doing something. As Lao Tzu said, even a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.
Stay in Shape
You only get one body. Once it's been ruined there isn't much you can do about it. Exercise to keep the rust off. Avoid excessive consumption of damaging substances and unhealthy foods. It may feel like terrible self denial at the time but enjoy good health in your later years is worth the sacrifice.
Giving to Your Community
The reality is that the community we live in has a huge influence on us personally-it fosters safety, responsibility, and sustainability-so it is important that take our community seriously for the greater good of humanity and for our own personal benefit.
As the saying goes, 'charity begins at home'. Charity is believed to be a for of blessing you receive when you help the needy. This kind of deed also give you an inner satisfaction. If you have the ability then why not help someone in need. There are many needy people in this world struggling for the basic necessities of life. If you provide this kind of help, just think of the wonderful life you a living. not everyone has what you have!
Charity may not necessarily be in the form of money but it could also be in kind. You could provide with food, clothes, or anything. healing ourselves, making ourselves whole by helping others, is not some half-baked preachment. There is a longing to it that is intensely personal, a pressing homesickness for that something or someone we have left behind and long to reach. We ache to transcend time, transcend our limitations, transcend our material existence and embrace the eternal.
In a nut shell it can be said, everyone in this world, rich or poor should have a definite aim in life. A man without any fixed purpose in life is like a ship without radar, at the mercy of the winds, powerless to control its course. So a person having no aim in life has nothing by which to guide his actions, or regulate his conduct. So set your New Life's Resolutions and follow your dreams with your heart.
With Love,

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